Dogecoin Price Captures 24 Hour Double-Digit Gains Following Social Media Hype

The notorious dogecoin has been moving northbound in value once again climbing more than 17% during the last 24 hours and 32% over the course of the week. Currently, across social media platforms like Twitter, Tiktok, and Facebook, the hashtag #dogecointo1dollar has been trending. Meanwhile, a number of other meme-based digital assets that leverage the Shiba Inu dog breed as a name or logo have also seen significant jumps in value.

Dogecoin Spike 17% This Weekend, Supporters Blast the Brand Across Social Media

When programmers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer launched the Dogecoin (DOGE) network on December 6, 2013, they never expected the meme-based crypto-asset would grow so wildly. In fact, the Shiba Inu dog-inspired cryptocurrency crafted over 7 years and 8 months ago as a joke, is now a $44.42 billion economy.

On Sunday, August 15, Dogecoin supporters have been rallying on Tiktok, Twitter, and Facebook with the hashtag #dogecointo1dollar. At the time of writing, the hashtag trend on Twitter has thousands of tweets mentioning it.

The same thing can be said about Tiktok, which shows 8.2 million views of people mentioning the hashtag #dogecointo1dollar. A touch over 1,000 profiles on Facebook are using the #dogecointo1dollar hashtag today as well.